Wednesday, June 27, 2007

7 1 /2 Habits

I think the habit that is the easiest for me is determining the outcome or goal that I want to achieve. I'm really good at determining what goals I have in mind for myself. Unfortunately, there is a gap between the goals I want to acheive and the goals that are realistic enough to actually acheive. This is mainly due to the hardest habit for me-time. Finding the time to work on the goals that I have outlined is difficult. My personal learning goals and my professional learning goals don't always match up real well. My professinal learning goals seem to be winning the race at the moment!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

23 Things week 2

Well, I set up my very first exciting!
The week 1 module that I completed was actually motivating. It reminded me of all the things that I still want to learn. Unfortunately, time is the biggest barrier. It seems as if I rarely have time to do the things I need to do much less the things that I want to do! Yet, here I am....blogging! Yeah, I learned something new.